Conversation Between Raven Nox and Ultima Shadow

319 Visitor Messages

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  1. Okay, I admit that last one wasn't even funny. It was just lame. Silly me...

  2. Actually, now that I think about it... Mega Fire is also one pretty hot move!
  3. But the sexiest attack is probably Sexy Beam. Now that's just pure sex!
  4. I made a demon-babe character that I named Sexy Sex. I personally find that pretty sexy. And what's even sexier is the fact that the game itself says her attacks are sexy! The attack Flying Sparks is so sexy that the game says "You won't belive how sexy this attack is!" Now that's what I call sexy!
  7. I'll get you one day Ultimie Sexy! I swear on my chicken bone!
  8. AAH! Ugh! *cough* DAMNIT! Y-you... *cough* ...f-found... my.... only... w- *cough* w-weakness! Ugh!

    Storyteller: And so, my dear friends, our story ends. Raven Nox, the warrior of light found the secret wey to defeat the master of darkness, finally putting Ultima Shadow to rest forever, and his reign of terror with him. And so, peace and freedom was restored to the world...

    Ultima Shadow: Ok, that's enough! Just stop it right there! Damn, that was so lame! Couldn't you come up with a better ending? Besides, I can't die yet! Not like that at least! I mean... the ultimate lord of evil being killed by... a chicken bone? What the heck?

    Storyteller: Uh... so, what do you suggest then?

    Ultima Shadow: Simply let me rewrite that silly ending!

    Storyteller: Uh, I'm not sure if that's a good idea...

    Ultima Shadow: Awww, c'mon on! Just let me do it!

    Storyteller: Well, alright then...

    "...but Ultima Shadow used his Super Throat-Cleaner 2010x5, immediately removing the chicken bone from his throat!"

    BWAHA! You thought you could beat me that easily? Foolish fools of foolish foolishness, you'd not even be able to fool a foolish fool!


    ...And now I shall go back to my evil castle and do my daily evil deeds of evil! And you can't stop me, since you got no more chicken bones to put in my throat while I'm saying all this meaningless stuff! HA!
  9. Bwahahahahahaha! Without the Einlazer, you are chanceless against me! YOU ARE ALL - save that wild Rengori - DOOMED! DOOMED, I SAY! DOOMED! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!

    The tyranny of Ultima Shadow will CONTINUE! For all of ETERNITY! Bwahaha! Bwahahahahahahahaha! BWAHAHAHAHA *hack* *cough* AH... HAHA!
  10. I SHALL NOW QUOTE THY ALL!!! (except the last one. HA!)

    From the most beautiful bloom, death of roses. Wait, what?

    I BA cool like that... wait, my avatar isn't BLINK! ...*wrong again*


    I used to be me back in the day. You, yuki_hitaru and kamiko used to talk all the time... *wrong*

    No, I don't feel you. How about special?

    Ok then, what is it!? SMARTY-PANTS! HAHAHAHA........? *NO SMILIES!*

    Remember when bff's we were?

    If a Chef insist! 3=|シ) < It's you.

    Cool Geass Code rocks, *BoyFan*






    ...*goes to sleep*
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 319
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