Conversation Between ScottyRedXIII and Hollycat

32 Visitor Messages

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  1. Fat Bastard: [looking at the toilet] What? I didn't have any corn!
  2. this is where i give up and you win, cannot go on any longer, need sleep, congrats
  3. Fat Bastard: First things first: WHERE'S YOUR troutTER? I've got a turtle-head poking out.
    Dr. Evil: Charming
    Fat Bastard: I'm not kiddin'. I've got a crap on deck that could choke a donkey. Aww, it's SQUIDGY. Christ, I'm gettin' all emotional from it, ya know?
  4. Dr. Evil: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my submarine lair. It's long, hard and full of seamen!
    [laughs, then notices he isn't getting any laughs from his submarine crew]
    Dr. Evil: No? Nothing? Not even a titter? Tough sub..
  5. Fat Bastard: [to Mini Me] I'm bigger than you and higher up the food chain. Get in my belly.
  6. Goldmember: Dr. Evil, can I paint his yoo-hoo gold? It's kind of my thing, you know.
    Dr. Evil: [comes over to Goldmember] How 'bout no, you crazy Dutch bastard?
  7. Fat Bastard: Of course I'm not happy! Look at me, I'm a big fat slob. I've got bigger titties than you do. I've got more chins than a Chinese phonebook. I've not seen my willie in two years, which is long enough to declare it legally dead.
    [on the verge of tears]
    Fat Bastard: I can't stop eating. I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's someone I'd like to get in touch with and forgive... myself.
    Fat Bastard: [Farts] Sorry. I farted. It's a long road ahead
  8. Basil Exposition: Austin, the Cold War is over!
    Austin Powers: Finally those capitalist pigs will pay for their crimes, eh? Eh comrades? Eh?
    Basil Exposition: Austin... we won.
    Austin Powers: Oh, smashing, groovy, yay capitalism!
  9. Number 2: Dr. Evil, can you continue with your plan?
    Dr. Evil: Of course, Number 2, our plan is SCOTTY DON'T.
    Scott Evil: Oh, come on, you're such a lame ass.
  10. U.N. Representative: So, Mr. Evil...
    Dr. Evil: It's Dr. Evil, I didn't spend six years in Evil Medical School to be called "mister," thank you very much.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 32
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