Conversation Between Hearts and DK

428 Visitor Messages

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  1. yes hello hi my name is Jason, if you are curious about my dong size it is XL or something
  2. yes i remember you, you are that Jason fellow who used to like picking wax out of his ear and storing it in signed and dated envelopes. how are you doing my friend
  3. beepbeep DO YOU REMEMBER ME
  4. why major in something like pharmacy if you hate chemistry? also I haven't talked to him for ages but we still cool. i barely get on msn or anything like that anymore and neither does he so yeah. if i ever saw him i would sing sweet love songs at him tho
  5. xD I'm actually not. I'm still the shy introverted girl you knew. I'm a pharmacy major and so far it's going okay except I hate chemistry. :c do you still talk to Keith at all?
  6. college oh dear. i bet you have become some frat partying alcoholic or something srsly tho that's cool, what are you studying etc etc. I'm doing pretty good thanks!
  7. I do wonderfully well. :3 I'm all grown up in college now. How have you been?
  8. why hello there good sir it has been a while, how do you do
  9. Boo. :3
  10. You're welcome. <3 I'll give you a burfday present and try to be on more often just so I can talk to you, cos I'm a creepy Santa.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 428
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