Conversation Between Denmark and XxSephirothxX

8 Visitor Messages

  1. dongs dongs dongs
  2. I drank gin with Baloki last week

  3. check out the hook while my dj revolves it
    ice ice baby
  4. Cause love's such an old fashioned word And love dares you to care for The people on the edge of the night And loves dares you to change our way of Caring about ourselves!
  5. every time i see you post i have to go listen to under pressure.
  6. so my prom date just HAD to go and call her mom a fat hooker and get our after-prom plans cancelled. THAT IS ALL THAT IS ON MY MIND RIGHT NOW I AM SORRY.
  7. firstly, in response to kikimm:

    see my vest, see my vest
    made from real gorilla's chest
    see this sweater
    there's no better
    than authentic irish setter
    see this hat? 'twas my cat
    my evening wear, a vampire bat

    balhablbhalhsdflhasdfthat's all i remember.

    secondly, in response to Azar:

    damn right i don't like cabbage. cabbage is gross. and i'm too much like Azar to like cabbage. do you think imitating Azar will get me a ciddie? that would be funny. it would be sad though if you didn't get a ciddie (or come really close to getting one at least).
  8. Denmark doesn't eat cabbage.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8