Conversation Between Scruffington and Lyndis Highwind

213 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh I'm exactly the same way. But most dark stories usually end up with a positive message, or have a payoff to all the sadness and hardship that come with them. If everything were all sunshine and rainbows, you wouldn't be able to appreciate much of anything anymore. Sometimes you need to experience lows in order to appreciate your happiness that much more.

    Skyward Sword for example is one of those games that, while it didn't have dark themes like Majora's Mask or Twilight Princess, seriously made me tear up and feel genuinely sad. But that just made me love the game's story even more. It managed to make me feel something for a character, and that means they did something right.

    Good luck! I hope you enjoy it
  2. Well, it's natural to feel negatively when you see a sad/dark story play out. When you see the characters suffer, it's almost like your suffering with them, and that's where the negativity comes in. That's just me though. I'm pretty sensitive about that sort of thing.

    Well, I'm going to be posting a LP on the forum soon, so look out for it!
  3. How would a darker story have a negative effect on you? For me that's what a powerful story is all about. A story that makes you feel something is a well-told story.

    I haven't done an LP actually. I'm interested in streaming but I haven't really bothered to purchase any equipment and I also don't have the right setup to stream unfortunately.
  4. I'm excited to talk to you about XV when I'm done with it!

    Yes, I can see where you're coming from about liking dark themes. For me though, I'd get too into it and it would have a negative effect on me. I have a tendency to get waaay too into things haha.

    Also, I'm curious, have you ever done a Let's Play? I've been wanting to do one and I was wondering if you had any tips.
  5. It's okay.

    I probably shouldn't comment on XV too much. I did ultimately enjoy the game, but I have a fairly negative opinion of it overall.

    I can understand that about darker themes. To me, darker themes make a story much more realistic. Life isn't always happy and not every protagonist is going to be a completely good person. However, there's usually some positives to be found in a dark story. Which makes me appreciate them even more.

    Good luck I'm sure you'll do fine, as long as you feel confident in what you're working on.
  6. Sorry for the late reply. I was having some technical difficulties with my computer. I just had my tablet and I don't like typing long replies with it.

    I should say XV is a bit restricting. I really like it so far. The characters are the best part, though the story is a little hard to understand.

    I don't like dark themes because their dark moods rub off on me too much. I also don't like anti-heroes because I personally find them hard to root for. I like a happy medium between an anti-hero and a main character who is perfect. Like Cecil, for example. He still had his faults, but he worked hard to overcome them.
    As for the main character's design, I'm just not a fan of indecent characters in general.

    One of the forum members asked me to do art for a game they're making. I'm a little nervous, but hopefully I'll do well!
  7. XV? Linear? Ehh. It's kind of an open world game, and it's structured fairly poorly. I really dislike open world games as of late, haha.

    How come you don't like anti-heroes or dark themes? And what about her design puts you off? I personally happen to love games with darker themes and anti-heroes. I loved Berseria because it strayed away from the previous game Zestiria, which featured a heroic cast full of wholly-good heroes. Berseria's characters had a lot more depth and flaws, which made them so much more believable and ultimately enjoyable.

    Yeah I am too. I've had to avoid watching my favorite streamers because everyone is playing it. I can't wait to get it eventually though.

    Congrats! What is it that you're drawing?
  8. Yes, I have started XV. I'm about 3.5 hours into it. I actually started it at my sister's house a couple months ago. I kinda forgot the controls when I was playing it last night haha. But I do like it so far. It's a bit linear though.

    Of course! I don't know if I'd ever play Berseria though. It sounds like it has a dark mood, and I don't really like anti-heroes. The main character's design put me off too. But who knows, maybe someday!

    Yeah, nobody in my family has gotten a Switch either. I can't wait to play BotW though! It looks amazing. I'm staying off any sites that might have spoilers haha.

    Oh! And I got my first art commission yesterday! I'm very excited .
  9. The games aren't like, RPG-levels of long either. I still have yet to play MGS4 and 5 which I'm looking forward to doing.

    So you've started XV, then?

    Thanks for reading my review The game does have a lot of flaws, but the story and characters were so good that it deserved its score. And while the gameplay was good but not spectacular, I really appreciate a series that keeps the things that make it what it is while attempting to innovate in other ways.

    I haven't got a Switch yet, sadly But I'm planning to next month.
  10. You know, hearing you talk about MG makes me want to play it! Maybe when I'm done with XV.

    I read your Tales of Berseria review! It sounds very interesting. I hadn't actually looked into very much until I read your review. It was very good. It felt like I was reading an IGN review!

    By the way, have you gotten the Switch and played Breath of the Wild yet? I saw it got a 10 in IGN, and that makes me hopeful that it's a really good game.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 213