Conversation Between Toni and G13

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I don't play it religiously either. My first few games usually don't turn out too good for me.
  2. I just really enjoy the fact that when I'm doing good and kicking arse that everyone knows I'm a lady. :P
    Most of the time, I'm to distracted by my own thoughts to do great. XD
    Also... I don't play Halo religiously! So that puts a bit of a damper on my skills...
  3. Yeah I hate using them when I'm not playing with friends. The trolls get ridiculous as hell after a while.
  4. Take your time. I've got about two and a half months left! I've got a headset too, so that'll make things easier! I'll speak for my boyfriend. He hates using them, and for some reason hates it when I use mine too...
  5. I would love to.

    I don't have Gold at the moment but I'll be getting it soon. I will definitely add you.
  6. Looks to me like you're into Halo. Care to play on live sometime? My Gamertag is Cyborg Slunk my boyfriend's is Killer Vall.
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