Conversation Between Galuf and Skyblade

213 Visitor Messages

  1. why was the teeth added to the pokemon? ah well.

  2. Behold, the reef triggerfish. Also known as the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a. The state fish of Hawaii, whose name is one of the longest in the Hawaiian language.
  3. that fish look UGLY. i like the square bug and pikachu mk 7
  4. Everyone else I've talked to loves the normal derp dragon. The triggerfish is the one that a lot of people are iffy about. But, state fish of Hawaii, so it makes sense. You can update the thread if you want to start discussion on the new reveals. Not sure everyone's seen them yet.
  5. Damn thats alot ofmoney. But i like watching pokemon stuff when playing. But you get s/m earlier than us plus i may aswell just wait the few days after its release cos its my birthday. But aye ill watch you and learn and trout lol. Pokemons fun to watch with all its choices and stuff. Not everyone will use what i use.

    Unrelated. Did you see the new pokemon? They look weird. But every new pokemon looks weird. I dont like the normal/dragon one though.
  6. I ordered a modified New 3DS. About $500, plus a six month wait time. But it arrived yesterday.
    I'll be doing both recording and streaming of Sun/Moon when they release.
  7. wow awesome. i wanted a capture card but they were all out wen i oooked
  8. Alright. Works for me.

    BTW, I can now record 3DS games.
  9. um.... im sorry but some stupid stuf happening here so... uh i think ill have to delay the tournment, hopefully not too long..
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 213