Conversation Between VeloZer0 and Mercen-X

1 Visitor Messages

  1. I was leaving a mog comment for one of your posts and some random sentence popped in and it accidentally got posted. I don't even know what it said.

    What I was initially going to say is that I have twisted my ankle and had my head cleaved by a golf club. Still, it is my prerogative to claim that having a nail jammed through my hand (which I've NEVER experienced) would be the worst out of those injuries. Similarly, I'm perfectly within my rights to claim a horrible title is the worst even if I've never played/watched/read it. Read your moogle hugs to know what the hell I'm talking about.

    Yes, I know, the thread is two years old, but sometimes I just have to say stuff. xp

    So, how are you?
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