Conversation Between Agent Proto and Freya

78 Visitor Messages

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  1. That's awesome! So with your new kidney of kidneyness any plans now that you'll be all healthy and stuff? What new drawings, shaaaaare
  2. Not really much going on. Seems I'm well on the way to being fully recovered, it should be within a couple weeks before life gets back on track after recovery. I've also done a couple new drawings as well! I've also been in a somewhat good mood most of the time these past few days.
  3. Sorreh

    What's up buttercup?
  4. If you were more like Shorty, you would have said "Jeffie Jeffie Jeffie" which kinda goes well with "Kaycee Kaycee Kaycee"
  5. Jeff Jeff Jeff
  6. Kaycee Kaycee Kaycee
  7. Freya! I hope you have the time to answer. You're up!
  8. Haha great job Kaycee! My internet service shut off just as I posted the showcase.
  9. HUZZAH I got it posted before you asked.

    It's a slow day at work....
  10. It's really fine! :O
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 78
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