Conversation Between ShunNakamura and NeoCracker

18 Visitor Messages

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  1. Out of curiosity what was the problem you were having? Visual Novels are usually pretty straight forward installs, so I have a hard time even coming up with potential problems with them.

    Unless you were talking about the English Patch. Even the latest one has had some issues on a few computers(some sort of problem with run32dll causing the system to hang).
  2. If only I could read all this without actually having to play the game.
  3. Archer gets a lot of screen time in the 'Unlimited Blade Works' Scenario in the game(hence the title). However, UBW is also made fun of a lot because it feels forced in areas(really the trouble is the scenario didn't bother to make certain things clear so you can become confused). However, it does contain the fight between Shirou and Archer which I found fun to read. Plus, you get to see all sorts of betrayal. Boy is Archer one conniving devil of a man. He jumps through all sorts of hoops just to get his chance at Shirou's life.
  4. Tried getting the game, but I could never get it to run.

    And ARcher gets a fair bit of Screen time in the anime, though not much until his showdown with Berserker and the revelation of his Noble Phantasm, The Unlimited Blade works.
  5. The game is exceptionally good. It is probably one of the better examples of a 'Visual Novel' game.

    I watched a bit of the anime but just didn't find it anywhere near as engrossing as the game(though I liked the soundtrack bunches). I don't recall how much screen time Lancer got in the Anime, but in the Second route in game you get to see just how Awesome this guy is! Of course you also get to see the tragedy that is Illya and Berserker :whaaa:, which I don't recall seeing in the anime.

    Damn did I ever want to strangle Gilgy for that!
  6. I still need to actually play Fate/Stay Night. XD

    I do in fact love the anime though.
  7. Unluckly I don't have Fate/Hollow Ataraxia to get to many of her magical girl form. However, I do have some more images.
    A Figurine
    A fandrawing(I assume)

    Given a bit of time I might find more hiding in the recesses of my hard drive. If you want to look yourself Rin's Magical form is known as Kaleido Ruby . Isn't it fun when magical artifacts like to torture their users(Poor Rin, it grants her great power, but at the cost of her dignity!)
  8. Any other pictures of Cat Girl Rin you have at your disposal are to be immidiatly redirected to me.

    That is all.
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