Conversation Between Beautiful Lie and Christmas

16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well, if you just pay attention more to the positive side of your name rather than the negative side, won't it be much better? Beside, a beautiful lie is still beautiful!
  2. hahaha yesss =p
    but notice it says lie beside it.
  3. But you have a overall beautiful day as your username suggest?
  4. no i cant say that i did
  5. But did you have good parties too!? Good energy can bring about good parties!???
  6. i guess so lol
  7. Wow, this mean you will have good energy for the lovely day ahead of you won't you!?
  8. yeap sure did
  9. Mine is lovely too!!! Did you have good food and a good sleep too??
  10. haha its pretty good =p yours?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
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