We were talking about China 6 years ago exact. xD Yesssss, this sparks joy. For fun, or for Let's Play?
I didn’t even realize you went to China! I’m mostly busy. Doing an FF marathon again woooo
how you doinggggggggggggggggggggg China was decent. I sometimes miss it.
We can go with mangina. Whatever floats your boat China sounds nice. How was it?
Mang? As in mangina? xD I love it. 3 is brilliant, but it's a really dumbed down version of 2, which makes me a little sad. 2 had no HUD whatsoever: the map was a paper map that you had to pull out, you had some gammy GPS in cars; it was brilliant. I worked in China before.
Thank God It's Friday! Get with the times, mang Ah, I heard of Far Cry, but I've never played it. Don't think it's my type of game> Recently I've been digging more into old school or old schoo-styled JRPGs and I am pretty satisfied with that niche Good luck on looking a new job! Where did you work before? Are you looking for something similar?
I don't know what TGIF means. Kids these days, with their slang and their ipods! I'm currently looking for a new job after leaving my old one. I spend more time playing Far Cry 3, tbh, and it's going great.
It happens, I guess I'm doing pretty okay. I have a job that doesn't make me go "TGIF", so I guess that's a plus Wotcha yourself?