Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Isn’t Ultima bad because one programmer decided an old spell would be worse or something? I remember Sakaguchi being pretty upset about that
  2. Good video. I've had to have that discussion with some people.

    As for FFII, I finished the Jade Passage, but I'm still trying to grind those spell levels. God I hate the magic leveling system in this game. I mean granted, you don't need to max out the levels because you start getting depreciating returns after awhile, but it just makes Ultima even more of a scrappy mechanic than it needs to be. The nice thing about SaGa is how better magic works in those games. Well until Unlimited SaGa that is...
  3. Here’s an extremely important video on my craft

  4. Yeah, it’s clear this is where it all started but it’s distinct enough to not just feel like a prototype in comparison.
  5. It is a bit weird playing FFII after playing most of the SaGa franchise after it. Like I can see the bones of SaGa in the game but it's interesting seeing what changed over time from the initial concept.
  6. Lol, it's honestly not that bad. If you can beat Shin Megami Tensei 1, then you shouldn't have too many problems with FFIII.

    The biggest factor to remember is that you should take some time to grind a level or two between locations.
  7. I will definitely need you to hold my hand throughout all this
  8. Yes and no... It doesn't have the job levels like the DS version shows, but you do get proficiency points for sticking with a job for awhile. On the brighside, you don't get punished for switching jobs in this version.

    I will also warn you that magic and skills can actually miss in this game, so be mindful of that. While the game has re-targeting (thank god) damage algorithms are still somewhat RNG based, so don't expect consistency when it comes to damage anymore. That's probably the biggest thing that takes a bit of getting used to.
  9. Do I recall correctly that the original also doesn’t have separate job levels?
  10. There are other classes that have good utility in the original (Evoker and Black Mage), and some that just plain suck (like Geomancer and Mystic Knight) but it is a very different experience with way less exploits. Even the lauded Ninja and Sage classes are not exactly gamebreakers in the original. They make the Crystal Tower less frustrating for sure, but they are a far cry from the "I win" classes that some fans tout them as.

    The DS also switched around when you get a few classes, so that makes a minor difference. You get Thief with the second crystal, Geomancer with the third, but you also get the Black Belt now with the third crystal set. The Ninja and Sage classes are also the reward for doing Forbidden Land Eureka instead of being with the final Crystal set.

    The game is more challenging, but I also feel it works in its favor. It makes bosses and certain dungeons a bit more memorable.
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