Conversation Between Squall Leonhart Loire and Fynn

53 Visitor Messages

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  1. I am always serious. To be an existing collection of matter in this universe you must be serious.
  2. I am always serious. I swear on my life about that. If you are willing to talk and be an existing piece of matter you must be serious.
  3. Sorry, dude! I was just teasing. Didn't think you were so serious about all this.
  4. I don't know what is your deal. I am a mentally insane pile of trout so just leave me alone and stay away from me.
  5. wow

    you just blew my mind
  6. Rinoa doesn't exist though.
  7. You did go get her in space, so that's pretty big
  8. Look closer. In the graffiti, there's this chick who looks like Rinoa. Or maybe I am obsessed with Rinoa to the point where that's all I see.
  9. I don't see it
  10. Look very closely. She's in the very back. Black hair, I think.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 53
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