Conversation Between Dat Matt and Ayen

30 Visitor Messages

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  1. Merry Christmas!
  2. You won't knock me down, Dat Matt. I am the immovable object, except for when I move.
  3. That must suck with how many people are chopping down trees. I hope you don't get turned into paper. Unless you want to become paper, then here-here!
  4. I was so close, and then I went back in time and turned into a tree
  5. Hi, Link. Rescue Zelda yet?
  6. Yeah, sadly I didn't have the time for all that. I spent a lot of time getting lost.
  7. To each their own, I really enjoyed messing around in FFXII. Did everything possible before moving on. I clocked up 130 hours and apparently you can speed run it in about 10 hours xD
  8. Hate to tell ya, but I feel the opposite. The story is what's keeping me going.
  9. FFXII is dull for the story, the real game is all the hunts and getting all the weapons. I do t remember anything about the actual story XD
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