Conversation Between Avarice-ness and Levian

10 Visitor Messages

  3. I hate to break up your Lucky 7's, but here's your 778th usernote.
  4. Do you have any hair on your foot?
  5. and blue
  6. LevLev's old Boss: "Levian, I'm sorry but we're going to have to fire you, Your outbursts in public has made us see the light that you are an unstable being that clearly needs help and a new pair of pants, I know we've been friends for so long, but there's been to many pants going into blenders for us, you may get your things at the front desk."

    Me: "HI LEVLEV I'M YOUR NEW BOSS, I allow public outbursts and respond to them very well! See, I am now! Your last boss-of-you sucked, so he fired you! Well me, I don't care, have fun do what you want, it's about you not me and Pants.. PANTS!? No one needs no stinkin pants, run around free like nature intended! Just make sure I have coffee in the morning and a cookie on my desk and I'm sure we're going to make a great team. "

    See, me being the boss-of-you is awesome.
  7. Aww, man. I was so close! just one number away.
  8. LevLev. =]
  9. LevLev. =]
  10. LevLev
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10