Conversation Between Lone Wolf Leonhart and Pouring Rain

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. Trish is cool. She's my cousins favorite Diva ^_^ We used to watch wrestling, but then we stopped.

    My fav diva: Torrie Wilson
    My cousin Kea's fav diva: Trish Stratus
    My cousin Lyjah's fav diva: Lita

    XD See. I know my peoples ^_^
  2. Oh. I like Batista (not a lot anymore) and The Undertaker. Torrie Wilson and Stacy Kiebler are my favorite divas. I don't know, I guess I don't like Christy Hemme.

  3. Um....sure.

    P.S. OMG I just looked at your Title thing. Latino Heat? I thought Eddie Guerrero was the only Latino Heat.
  4. Lol. Um, sure. I don't care what you call me as long as it isn't ubsurd or my real name. Or any other name I don't like xD
  5. You have, Lu.

    YAY! Score one for teh Rikkuness! Btw, I would appreciate you call me Rikku, like you used to do. Thank you! ^_^
  6. Cause everytime I try saying something to you, you just ignore it. So I thought you probably ignored me. What, am I not good enough to talk to? God, don't be mean just because I said hi.

    Hey Iri. And um, what does that mean? xD
  7. Hello person who never replys to the usernotes I give him because I think he blocked me.
  8. Hey Iri's Guardian dude! What? You said to address you as that! But I like calling you Sir Leon better? Am I allowed?
  9. Yay him?
  10. Lmfao.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 44
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