Conversation Between Jiro and Christmas

543 Visitor Messages

  1. I think I did. What should I do Jiro?
  2. Did your head swell up and grow extra legs that you use to climb on the roof and scare your students?
  3. Speaking of spider, I got bitten by a radioactive spider last night.
  4. That is a tradition I did not know! Maybe it is tradition to eat your husband or wife though, like a spider!
  5. According to tradition, if a wolf kicks a door, he will marry the person behind the door.
  6. Silly big bad wolf should stop trying to blow houses over and kick in the front door!
  7. Do we get to punch and kick innocent piglets who are escaping from the big bad wolf?
  8. I would love the company! We can sing songs and have parties all nights!
  9. That sounds so dangerous!!!! I WILL ACCOMPANY YOU IN THIS QUEST!!
  10. Sadly not, I have to go to Egypt and but some special Pharaoh sand to kill a mummy with!
Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 543