Conversation Between Ayen and theundeadhero

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. I will continue Christmas' legacy with honor and pride.
  2. Storytime: For the longest time Christmas has always been listed in the most visited section of my profile. I noticed about a year or so ago so when I happen to go there I always check it to see who's new and if Christmas had been bumped off. After I while I began to wonder if she just happened to log in occasionally and visit it. She would often log in invisible and since I don't have any kind of staff powers anymore I would have no way to tell if she was online. Then, in April she came back around and left a user note so I was left wondering if her name had been reset or how long it would be there this time Finally, within the last week, she suddenly wasn't there but a new name was! It was Ayen. I forgot to check then but know I see it's not one of the random people who sometimes visit pages of people with titles. Congratulations!
  3. lol, thanks. I didn't even realize when I chose it that it was perfect for me.
  4. That avatar. It captures just the right moment in the film where Atreyu looks feminine and it was so awkward as a kid. It's a pretty great avatar.
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