Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Sometimes a media change works. I've actually been building a play list for some of my stories that work as makeshift soundtracks and listening to them often gets me motivated to write.
  2. Yeah, true. Hope you'll get out of there soon!

    I'm thinking of actually not playing a game at all after Bravely Second. I might return to FFIII and revive my marathon, but other than that, I think I might be ready to write. That group pic I made recently kinda made me feel like "no one will see this story if you don't write this. Make this come alive. Make this world live in other people just as much as it's been living in you for all these years."

    Still don't know if it'll work, but I'll try!
  3. I think we've all been here once or twice in our lives.
  4. Been there, done that
  5. Hope your week is coming along better!
  6. I might have to try that.
  7. Well, I hope you can feel better soon, then! Melissa tea always helps me if I can't sleep. Herbal tea in general is good for that
  8. Yeah, I have a string of morning shifts this week so I'm hoping it will get my sleep pattern back together. May is always a really busy and tense month for me for some reason. I'm hoping work will calm down once a few things get resolved as well. I don't know, maybe I've just been really moody lately.
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