Conversation Between Caraliz and Tama2

149 Visitor Messages

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  1. Nowhere to stay. =( My parents said they'd get me an apartment so he could live with me but it's taking awhile to get... I'm just crossing my fingers hoping that we get the call any day now.
  2. Can he move out there?
  3. Apparently I pissed off his step mom because she's a douche and an absolute failure at life and hates everyone that isn't immaculately perfect like her fat and ugly smelly children, ps, she looks like the wicked witch of the west. Anyway. She said we had until August 22nd to move into our own place. We didn't have the money. So. I had to come home. And now, I don't know when we'll be together again, I've got a rough estimate and I'm just depressed about it.
  4. Why don't you go back to him?
  5. I miss my boyfriend.
  6. Are the good times still killing you?
  7. I don't think so.
  8. No U. ;;
  9. You've always been mysterious.
  10. Wishing for imminent demise.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 149
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