Conversation Between Lone Wolf Leonhart and Kalevala

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I deeply apologize for depriving you all of my warm tones.
  2. Well, it's time for you to never have a vacation again ever.

    What am I supposed to do without that voice.
  3. Thanks! Sets are always the best representation of my interests, haha. Since joining I've had Cowboy Bebop, A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, Penny Dreadful, and now The Sandman. All of those things are amazing.
  4. Nice new set. Gotta love Gaiman.
  5. I'm not sure if this will result in me hating them less or me hating myself more. xD
  6. I'm not much of a fan, either. You've got the silky smooth voice, though. Now I can at least happen across one of their songs and be like "Kalevala is singing this, so it's alrite" haha
  7. Hahaha, I am not a fan at all, but there isn't anything wrong with his speaking voice so it's fine.
  8. Alright don't kill me but you sound like this guy.
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