Conversation Between The Summoner of Leviathan and LunarWeaver

865 Visitor Messages

  1. Hmm now I don't know wh at to do! I don't like being expected to know mechanics, but keeping people alive makes me nervous. I'm an extremely shy and anxious person by nature ~_~ I just hide it well on things like forums. I am using this MMO to expand my horizons or some Oprah bulltrout like that. Nice to know I can use this one lalafell for everything though coz he cute as smurf. But I don't want to start the leveling process over again ugh D: /lazy
  2. Today is bf day since it is one of the few full days we have off together.

    Cool, yeah THM become BLM at 30 after to level ARC(cher) to 15 as well. Don't be shy to ask questions, everyone is helpful! Healing is pretty easy until level 32 then you actually have to do more than heal. When you get comfortable enough you mostly DPS while occasionally healing in lower levels. Anyways, after doing your level 10 class quest, you unlock the ability to switch between classes (so your class changes with the weapon you equip) and you can unlock all the other classes in your starting city. Then in a few more levels you will do a main quest and visit all the other city-states and unlock their respective classes! So one character can be everything, you don't have to make a new character!
  3. Or get online now >[

    I rolled as a thama-whatever. So I'm a DPS I guess. I don't know much about MMOs. I'm a babe and a newb. I kind of want to be a healer but I thought not knowing the game well I would do poorly however they seem to simply target the tank and cast cure a lot so maybe I should have lololol~
  4. Or get online now >[

    I rolled as a thama-whatever. So I'm a DPS I guess. I don't know much about MMOs. I'm a babe and a newb. I kind of want to be a healer but I thought not knowing the game well I would do poorly however they seem to simply target the tank and cast cure a lot so maybe I should have lololol~
  5. If I'm offline you can't find me through searching. My name is in the FC list though and I'll be online tomorrow!

    What did you roll as? I main healer as a WHM. I have WAR and SMN for tanking and DPS, though rarely play them.

    DPS have to know the mechanics, as a healer most fights are easier if sometimes a bit stressful!

    What did you run?
  6. Yeaaah just got added today. I tried to find your character but for some reason I couldn't. I did my first raid today too ;o It was fun, though kind of exhausting lol And that was the easiest one in the game I'm assuming~ I'm glad I rolled DPS. Seems easiest job.
  7. I saw that BoB added you! Yup, still play!
  8. Do you still play FF14? Coz I just got it ;o
  9. Awesome and congratulations!
  10. Yuuuup, we've been together for like Yoda's lifespan at this point, but what can I say, I love the lug. We live together now in Miami. Hey, we're doing pretty well for ourselves. Self-fives!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 865