Conversation Between Edge7 and Mercen-X

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hit a couple snags here and there academically, but it looks like I'm gonna make it out alright. As for the holidays, it was the time off I needed; I got a Vita, reunited with my great love Persona 4, and spent some time with friends and family.
  2. I had a pretty good holiday, yeah. A fun night on New Years followed. Spring is treating me fairly well so far. You?
  3. A belated thanks X! I trust you had a happy holiday season?
  4. Merry Christmas, E!
  5. No problem. It's not as if I think it's the most awesome thing in the world. It is, however, an awesome thing that you opted to read it. You're the only one whose confirmed a possible read. It's not impossible that other people have read it and simply chosen not to inform me, but I'm left to doubt. I've really got to start posting my work on an actual site.
  6. Yo man, sorry about the delay. I moved into college and have spent the past couple months adjusting and making new friends. I'm currently on break, and I think a good deal of people are going home, so I'll be able to read those scripts. Again, really sorry.
  7. I've been busy, I've been meaning to though. I'll let you know what I thought of part 1 soon
  8. Ever manage to read those VII scripts..?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8