Conversation Between Shlup and Raistlin

294 Visitor Messages

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  1. I'm a little surprised you couldn't at least get Grumpy. Even BJ has a Grumpy bear.
  2. We ended up winning trivia night again anyway, but it was a tense come-from-behind fight. I immediately thought of you with the stupid smurfing Care Bears questions, and I figured you'd be amused at the text and ashamed of my ignorance. We just didn't have anyone with much of a clue, and ended up guessing names based off their appearances (which were entirely wrong).

    (P.S. I hope you enjoyed the anniversary of your demonstration of eternal love for me )
  4. Ah. Hah. Well played.
  5. I know.
  6. I meant his last name!
  7. That is his name.
  8. Btw, your husband needs to change his name:
  9. Hahaha, awesome. I knew you couldn't stay in their good favor for very long if you actually spoke your mind.
  10. I got in trouble at the Christian forums for saying there's nothing wrong for homosexuality, so I told them they should be ashamed for using Christianity to further bigotry and now I'm in more trouble.

    The very best way to learn how horrid a religion is is to talk to its followers. xP
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