Conversation Between Shauna and Zeldy

186 Visitor Messages

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  1. my laptop can't handle FFXIV D: as soon as I got in some sort of lobby with Bob and others, my laptop got super hot and started making noises and was dead laggy. I think I'll have to wait till I get a PS4 at christmas.
  2. Ahhh lame. I'd say give us a buzz if you need anything, but I guess you can't talk to us. xD Well, hope you enjoy and I'm sure we'll see you around!
  3. im in the group but with no access to any of the chat stuff as im a cheapo on the trial hahaaa. I'll get the subscription and pay up after my free trial :P but im in now
  4. So many things to do. But I suppose if you learn with a controller it'll be fine. :3
  5. why? i found that a night mare
  6. I would rec mousey keyboard where possible!
  7. will be sorted shortly. attempting to link up a ps3 controller and then I can get going D: damn windows 10
  8. ARR is the base game, HW is the expansion so you need ARR to do HW. And you pay AND subscribe, but usually the base game isn't too expensive and the sub is only like £8pm so it ain't too bad.
  9. im a little unsure of all the different versions they have on the store. realm reborn, heavensward? im downloading the all in one bundle for FFXIV online, i hope thats the right one? its a little confusing. do you pay for the game or is it on a subscription basis?
  10. I guess? The character customisation is nice! And there's a little bit at the start that you play by yourself, just as the opener to the game, but it's about 15 minutes long then you can make friends and message people.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 186
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