Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. True, sometimes it's a bit more fun to do it the hard way. How's life?
  2. I'm kinda happy I managed to do it the hard way Took a lot of patience.
  3. Not yet
  4. No Reraise I take it?
  5. Well, I'm generally over leveled, but not enough to survive Ultima. So, I had to keep recasting reflect at everyone and just slowly chip away at his MP with Rasp. It was like the longest battle ever.
  6. How so?
  7. Just beat the Magi Master in FFVI iOS. Hot damn, was that a wonky fight.
  8. Getting my ass kicked by work but at least I'm still writing. How are you?
  9. So what's up?
  10. I'll be sure to check it out.
Showing Visitor Messages 5841 to 5850 of 6688