Conversation Between Laddy and Shlup

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well done for productivity. <3
  2. I had a good visit with my doctor, and then BJ and I went to the mall and I got new clothes and frozen yogurt and sushi and then I spent about ten hours cleaning my closet and it looks amazing.
  3. I am well. How was is the Best Day In The History of Ever? Or are you being sarcastic? :/
  4. Today was basically the best day in the history of ever. Thank you for asking. How are you?
  5. How are you today? :o
  6. Not at all, I'm just thrifty.
  7. Cold hearted.
  8. I've done some consideration and I've discovered that fee is totally not worth it.
  9. Dear God, woman.
  10. $80

    We only accept PayPal.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 44
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