Conversation Between Dignified Pauper and Goldenboko

140 Visitor Messages

  1. No one is ever on? You have have a weird concept of no one then.
  2. I'm on AIM most. I'm almost never on MSN. No one is ever on.

    My aim is "dignified popper"
  3. Hurray! I added you to my MSN but you're never on.
  4. you succeed.

  5. I try.
  6. You're so manly!
  7. Most likely. But I'll live happy, brave, and killin' things.
  8. Your arrogance is going to result in your doom!
  9. Pft, I matched his kill count with my first mission where I scouted something that actually had Aliens. That one chief gave me a scare, was right next to me, but I destroyed him. His head shall hang from my mast!
  10. I'll say! You're gonna catch up with BoB!
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 140