Conversation Between Pumpkin and Fynn

6564 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah my novel is a cracker fest. I guess its to be expected considering my whole childhood and up until I moved here at age 19 I'd only ever met and spoken to 5 (no exaggeration) black people and like 2 asians. Its just not what I know, ya know?
  2. This was accidental but yay!

    Now, if only non-white characters came to me just as naturally...
  3. I'm all for this
  4. Just realized that out of my 12 "Eden" protagonists, seven are female. Yay for stomping the patriarchy!
  5. You're gonna own this
  6. It's coming along okay. I reached my word count for today, barely. Tomorrows goal is to reach 8333, and now I am at 6898
  7. So how's your writing coming along? I feel this huge urge to write stuff but I'm stuck translating a philosophical book into English and it's a huge pile of gibberish
  8. That's great!
  9. Her chapter's gonna come up pretty late, but I've had a surge of inspiration and I hope I can get the chapters out more frequently now
  10. Looking forward to it
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