Conversation Between Raven Nox and My name is...something..?

143 Visitor Messages

  1. Ooooooooooh!
    Me take you home, make you fish ball soup! Fish ball!!!
  2. I know!! Isn't it?
  3. I don't have a picture of it.
  4. How would you like me to do that?
    I can't show you my vagina.
  5. Because I used to be an Asian female.
  6. You don't agree with sis on this one.

    Perhaps, if you asked a little more ladylike.
  7. I do...
  9. HEY!
    Remember that time we were in league with eachother up in the mean streets of Alaska? Hard times those were...
    But do you remember the time shortly before Doc Robinson died when we knocked off that bank? And then ran and then you slipped on the ice and caused and old 74 year old woman to slip and crack her hip which caused her to yell and made a big group of bystanders come out? So we ended up dropping the money and running for our lives from a group that wanted to lynch us? So we ran out into the wilderness and learned to speak polar bear and lived with the group until we could safely get to Canada? Then when we got to Canada you punched that deaf guy because you thought he was ignoring you? So we had to procure plane tickets to America before he could contact the police?
    So when we bought the tickets we bought the wrong ones and ended up in Nicaragua? And from Nicaragua we rented a car and drove up through Central America? And when we finally got back we got caught anyway?
    Me too!
    Good times. Gooood times.
  10. *casts SCAN!*

    beeb beeb!

    name: Starry Relm
    HP: ????
    MP: ????
    Str: 88
    Mag: 110
    Def: 108
    MagDef: 112
    Speed: 122¨
    HUMOR: 0
    Tolerance: 0
    Annoyance: 9999

    Status: Bad Mood

    Weakness: Ultima Shadow's comments.

    Info: Starry Relm is one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Don't be fooled by her innocent apperance, she's far more deadly than she may seem at first. Her incredibly high annoyance by far makes up for her lack of humor and tolerance in battle. It's said that this angry beast once actually laughed at silly jokes, but that's obiviously no longer the cause. Beware of her 2 most powerful attacks "Starry Fury" and "Now Starry ANGRY!".
    xDD!! DO ME! DO ME!!

    Oh... and hi MNiS....

    WHAT THE CRAP?!?!?! MNIS?!?!?! =O
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 143