Conversation Between Sephex and Ayen

265 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeah, it didn't work out logistically for most people.
  2. I'm asking mainly out of curiosity, was the live meetup planned for this year Summer Ciddies cancelled?
  3. I know that feel. Started waking up in the mornings. Feels so weird. I get tired so much faster now.
  4. Pretty good. I'm back on days and just having general fun. About to go to bed now since I am a day walker again!
  5. I'm just so incredibly happy with life in general right now that I can hardly contain myself.

    How are you?
  6. Nah, I'm just fat.
  7. But are your eyes like peas and does your drool make a puddle on the floor like wine?
  8. Also out of shape.
  9. I was playing a party game, and had to flail my arms for three minutes. It was very exhausting, and I'm out of shape.

    How j00?
  10. Yeah, I can just use it however.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 265
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