Conversation Between ScottNUMBERS and Christmas

376 Visitor Messages

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  1. It is veritable buffet of penises!

    Here is a penis selfie you took of one of them:

    I keep this one in my wallet. I have no idea why it looks like Cliff Richard.
  2. So your eyes are feasting on my 3 PENIS?
  3. Yes you took 353 but they are for my eyes only
  4. Did I take a selfie of myself naked before the whole accident?

    I wanna see it.
  5. I always thank god that you survived with your one wing, three legs, 2 arms, three PENIS, two spinal cord,fourth hip, bionic arm, 36 tenticles and twenty nipples in tact.
  6. Yes, I lost two legs, four pairs of wings, six tails and a pigtail.
  7. You were never the same after that big ski accident
  8. I don't remember getting married either!
  9. No it just means I am a funny colour.

    oh, I don't remember getting divorced
  10. Does that mean we are married again?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 376
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