Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. You can skip the prologue chapter as I have rewritten it and updaeted it on srib so go with that one. The rest I would love to see.

    As for her critique, I'm a bit hesitant to shoot down an idea so early in the script. It might go someplace interesting if I give her a chance to develop it. The issue with only having the first chapter to go on, is that some ideas may seem lame right now, but will grow into something cool later. Thinking it over more, it does give her world an interesting spin, whereas the first impression was much more traditional so I should really be encouraging the fact she's taking it in an odd direction.

    I need to get around to checking out you, Pumpkin, and Freya's work.
  2. Oh yeah, I also have not forgotten about you and I now have a fully functioning Microsoft Office and I fully intend to give you inline critiques on that

    Unless you've corrected that in the meantime, then send the updated version to me

    Or, you know, I could just use scrib - that way, I also get to earn karma points
  3. Well, you should be honest about it, then! I get how you feel, and if this was EoFF, I would just not say anything and ignore it if that were the case, but scrib is all about learning to take and give critique. It helps you with your writing, but even if they don[t initially know it, the writer will appreciate the feedback later. If it's going in a weird direction, perhaps they're not aware of it? Worst-case scenario, it's a subjective bother to you and others like it so they just move on and focus on what the story is supposed ot be like, even if it's not something to your taste, which is still a pretty good outcome. Even if they don't use that feedback, at least it's a learning opportunity for you!

    I had a similarly awkward situation. One of my critiquers (she was one of the most brutal ones, the one who told me that my protagonist doesn't need to be written as a total douche canoe ) said that she saw that I had marked her story to critique so she wanted to return the (future) favor. I did noti, in fact, critique her work in the end, and I think it just closed for critique yesterday or whatever. So yeah
  4. I was hoping to get more of my novel uploaded by now but this week has been a bit draining for me. I'm having a get together with my old writing friend tonight who helped co-author the story. I wanted to use it as a means to get him involved again.

    I also just feel bad because one person I critiqued asked if I would continue to critique their novel as they posted it. I said yes but proceeded to post a huge second part to their first chapter and the first couple of paragraphs already has the story moving in a weird direction that contrasts their first part.
  5. (you can critique my story if you liiiiike~)

    But seriously, it's not in the spotlight anymore, so you won't get full points for it either. Since I've already delivered my thesis to my supervisor, I think I can devote a part of the weekend to scrib- and general writing-related things, so I'll be giving critiques as well. I need to post spark first, though, so I can give myself more time to flesh out what I have of Fool's Journey
  6. I need to get back to critiquing works on Scribophile. I've been pretty lazy on that forum since I posted a work.
  7. Yup
  8. Depends if I'll have the money by then. It's turning into an actual good year for JRPGs for me.
  9. Probably gonna have to wait another six months before it comes out here, though... Glad you'll be able to play it soon, though!
  10. You'll find your groove eventually man, just keep at it. Also, I'm excited to hear it's getting a western release finally.
Showing Visitor Messages 4901 to 4910 of 6688