Conversation Between Pumpkin and Ayen

307 Visitor Messages

  1. Funny thing is the only books I ever finished was all the Harry Potter fanfics I wrote at the height of my HP obsession.

    Am I talking too much? Starting to feel like Laguna over here.
  2. Wow
  3. I even had a crossover between Harry Potter and Metal Gear Solid putting all the other bad mash ups to shame.
  4. Interesting
  5. I made a lot of comic books about Resident Evil, Spawn, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Metroid and Spider-Man. I'd do a lot of mash ups too like when I had Buffy crossover with Resident Evil or Spider-Man with Sailor Moon.
  6. Hahahaha xD
  7. I can beat that. I once ended a Resident Evil comic book with Barry killing off Jill and his exact quote was, "I love you, that's why I killed you." Had I been in public school the teachers would have thought I was mentally disturbed.
  8. I used to make a stick figure comic when I was little about 2 girl. I can't remember them except for one where one of the girls gets pushed in the pool and thinks shes drowning but she was in the shallow end.

    I was young okay
  9. I know. Think I prefer your version.

    I used to draw all the time and it was complete trout, but I didn't care. I had fun making mini comics and I came up with some great stories completely pulled out of my ass.
  10. hahaha xD. Notice I said attempted
Showing Visitor Messages 201 to 210 of 307