Conversation Between DK and Iceglow

102 Visitor Messages

  1. And the Iceglow wins through once I said she's a smurfing mongoloid retard who couldn't win if she had the entire world on her side. Which she could never get because she's a talentless smurfing whore who could probably get the support of maybe a handful of guys who don't mind putting their dick up the grand canyon....oh yeah we're never done with my sister lol.
  2. easily the best usernote i have ever had, i love you. you are warm.
  3. My sister is a smurfing mongoloid retarded who cant possibly be related to me. Do we think I could get any more smurfing bou's and smurfs in to this usernote I think we smurfing can because I could call my sister a smurfing stupid whore of a slut faced bitch 24/7 I mean she wants me to smurfing move out and so smurfing turns of the internet at 9pm each night I'm using my old router here now as a stealth means for the laptop only to find that piece of new msn isn't working because that too is a smurfing pile of wank stained . I would like to point out with working most hours anyway I have no access to the net and thus cannot flat search lol she's so smurfing retarded. I hope you like my foul mouthed eoff censored rant because well that gator smurfing bitch certainly should feel her head combusting from the flaming she just smurfing took. Miss you too sweetie x
  4. omg babes is it true that your big sister banned you from the net?? why did she do that i am going to miss you x
  5. Your mom is a solo playing poof as for not playing Reach with you, I couldn't the other night and tonight I'm being lazy, sat night however I finish work early and will try my damn best to get out on time (left work late today! boo)
  6. stop being a pussy and play some proper reach you ANIMALcalico wannabe or should I say Huxley wannabe you solo playing poof
  7. Dan, drop it now, I know you and paul are up to something...should know better, we troll the hux not me because well, huxley's ting himself with nerd rage is funnier than me going "smurf it"
  8. how's life treatin you princess? x
  9. Thanks man, was pretty tough going I choked up more than once but well, never cried held on to my manliness there lol though if the cute female vet had been ours I would probably have let slip a little if only for a hug. (yeah humour and sexual desire haven't fled me yet) I feel pretty ty about things, especially since I promised my niece who is 5 I wouldn't let Jessie die and then had to help the vet personally with the injections to kill her. But I know I did right by Jessie who even on methodone was in pain and suffering she would have bled out in the night if we didn't make the call to ease her way. I just could do without the last 24 hours or so having happened.
  10. Yo dude, just asked Paul about you and he told me about your cat, such utter bulls. Sorry for your loss dude, have had the same experience more than once and wouldn't wish it on anybody, specially not a bro. Hope you aren't feeling too bad.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 102