Conversation Between FFNut and Fynn

69 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yup
  2. Hey Fynn, did my stroy send to you ok?
  3. Just to clarify, Radiant Historia is a DS game. I only said it's THE SNES game because it is clearly inspired by RPGs of that era and really perfects that formula
  4. I have not had the time to read it yet, but I'll get to it!
  5. What do you think of my story so far?
  6. Sounds good. I have a character in mind and a back up one if people think it's not quite right.
  7. Oh right, a there's actually two RPs going on now. Ours is the one called Brave Vesperia. We have a world building thread where you can contribute and you are strongly encouraged to do so, and then you can create your character in the character creation thread, and then you can start RPing We have literally just started, so it's a perfect time to join.
  8. Then go ahead and jump right in
  9. Hey Fynn, I just quit my job and have a lot of extra time coming up. Would love to join in on this RP if I'm not to late!
  10. I'm not sure if I have a lot of time at the moment for one. I'd love to join if I can though. Give me a day to see what the month brings me.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 69
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