Conversation Between Karifean and Fynn

923 Visitor Messages

  1. Pretty cool. Spent a lot of time with family members. Also finally started playing FFXV now that I have a PS4 so that's fun. How's U.N. Owen been treating you?
  2. Great! Still visiting my parents and having lots of family fun How about yours?
  3. Heya. How was your christmas?
  4. I'll make a note of it then. ;-)
  5. Also, you totally need to read the Cormoran Strike series, now that we're talking about crime fiction There's not too many characters and the mysteries may not be as tangled as some examples, but they're still incredibly gripping and the characters are just amazing. I love them more and more with each book, honestly But while I enjoy the first book, I still think it's the weakest of the three we have so far, so if it's kinda "eh" if you ever read it, don't miss out on the later ones, since the mysteries are even better and the characters actually evolve over the course of the whole series, so that's super fun, and the reason why I think the third book is the best even though I think the second book probably had the most interesting mystery.
  6. It's pretty interesting so far, though I haven't really had the time to really sit down and immerse myself aside from reading it on my commute. It's a bit harder to follow than Murder on the Orient Express at first, mostly because that book had a central POV protagonist, whereas in here that focus is constantly shifting. But I am very curious to see where this is going!
  7. Glad to hear you're finally reading And Then There Were None good luck figuring out the mystery.
  8. Yeah. Anime is the right word. Especially since the scene I saw when the kid with the bat first showed up - hood on, face in shadow, big huge yellow eyes glowing - kind of reminded me of Bakemonogatari, now that I think about it.
  9. Oh man, way to go dream in the dream. Dumb, maybe, but who gives a damn, it feels like a concept for a really fun anime more than anything. Or Hitchhiker, I guess =P
  10. I'm just gonna copy-paste what I told Pumpkin, because I kinda sorta thought I should share?

    So I had a dream that I had a dream that I wanted to turn into a book. I was so stoked in the dream and it was all so good and all, and when I woke up, I focused on remembering it and then I thought it was really dumb? But still kinda workable I guess?

    It kinda centered around four main characters. The main protagonist is some middle aged guy who likes working on his garden. The other major character is a wood sprite (???) and her house is destroyed. I think it's because of the main guy, but there's also something about an asteroid? And then there's this college kid that has a really thick New Jersey accent and he kind of has superpowers and gets drafted by this fraternity thing that gathers people with superpowers and arms them with baseball bats or something and tells them they have to kill wood sprites and other hidden magical beings because apparently they think they're evil? And there's a fourth character who is a woman and I can't for the life of me remember her role in that weird dream but she was like incredibly important to the plot?

    So from what I remember, basically the story starts off with the main character destroying her home and she makes him take responsibility. Bicker bicker, hilarity ensues. First they kind of just have to outsmart the college kid, but later on he kinda sees that sprites are not bad and decides to leave the fraternity and joins them because through various plot twists it turns out that this asteroid thing is going on and they need to unravel some conspiracy? And in the end home is where the heart is and they go on a road trip because there's no point in trying to rebuild that home? (Yeah, I think I remember now - the protagonist destroyed it first and then she rebuilt it and it got destroyed again by the asteroid).

    It's incredibly stupid. But I think I could make it into a "hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" type of deal, I guess?

    Why do I keep getting ideas mid-idea? I'll never finish anything like this!
Showing Visitor Messages 161 to 170 of 923