Conversation Between Shaibana and Christmas

93 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha, you really aren't a big fan of birthdays! What about X'mas? Gonna have another party?
  2. im fine ty how are you?
    i managed to avoid another family birthday with my mother-in-law's birtday xD
  3. How have you been!!? Oh mine!! Hope the bday Celebration is all cool!!!!

    Happy RSL Day!! :rsl:
  4. hi... howr you?
  5. i think i found something for my bf's birtday..
    its not really romantic... .. .. but he already wanted to get a cup of this sort..
    but im afraid he already bought it himself before i can, so maybe ill get him another one alike
    Tankard of skulls - Bierpul van Nemesis Now - Artikelnummer: 229185 - vanaf 17,99
    ... that cup is my back-up plan :o
  6. i dunno :o
    its just becaus... they are stupid >: (
    and boring :O i personaly dont have much contact with my family (exept for birtdays etc)... bcaus im just not interested :O
  7. What happened?
  8. ya, well.. that special ocasion is ruined now
  9. Oh mine, but bdays are our special day. The day we came to this world! But there isn't anything wrong with not liking bdays. So no worries.
  10. bcaus... they are so boring :S
    if its up to me, then we stop celebrating birthdays.. atleast not with the family
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 40 of 93