Conversation Between Dr. Acula and Quindiana Jones

929 Visitor Messages

  1. Very cool. I'm so, so jealous. I'm hoping to move somewhere to do my PhD, but I'll probably have to save up for a few years first. Obvs I love NZ but I'd love to have the experience of living overseas.
  2. I was! Sometime Oct/Novish.

    Most likely Leon area. I'm an independent contractor working remotely, so I can work anywhere. Geo-arbitrage, babbyyyyyyy
  3. Oh you must have been there in summer!

    Where in Nicaragua are you moving to? Do you have a job lined up there?
  4. Hey, there were definitely one or two sunny days when I visited!
  5. That's very cool! I'm incredibly jealous. Especially because Wellington and sun don't mix.

    I'm very excited for you!!
  6. It's cheap and has good internet lol. Also sun, sea, & sand aren't nothing to complain about.
  7. Holy whaaaa that's exciting! Why Nicaragua??
  8. i did ded and wil mor ded

    Life has been busy and I'm moving to Nicaragua soon, but I thought I'd stick my head in EoFF for a tickle.
  9. no u ded
  10. y u ded
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 929