Conversation Between Quindiana Jones and ~SapphireStar~

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Can I have my pants back?
  2. 100
  3. Christmas is on top of me.

  4. EDIT: Bollocks to it. This whole usernote went dead.
  5. ~SapphireStar~ was her name,
    In single life she's just not the same.
    To me she seems nicer,
    but I just can't suffice her,
    She still thinks that she is to blame.

    You are the hardest person to make riddles for. Seriously, that took me about 6 goes. I hope it makes you feel happy-ish
  6. Cool, no?
  7. Rocket mole
  8. I know its savvy. I spelt it wrong, is there a problem?
  9. :freak:
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10