Conversation Between ScottNUMBERS and theundeadhero

79 Visitor Messages

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  1. I feel like garnish isn't the way to go. Something so delicious is a meal, not a side.
  2. oh! by the by; can I interest you in some grated nipple skin garnish?

    nonono! it's not mine theundeadhero! perish the thought! it's from a creature with far more delicious skin than I!
  3. and some dry skin
  4. Over 10 years later and your avatar is still pinching his nipples. That's some dedication.
  5. I... don't usernote as much as I used to, and in turn I don't get as many notes as I used to.
  6. Two birds, one with STD.

    No, that's not right. Well you know what I mean.
  7. I lost my stylist.

    Then I lost all my hair.
  8. I lost my stylus

    then I found it again
  9. You're probably sick of not getting any new usernotes by now.
  10. It's hot and steamy down there.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 79
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