Conversation Between Loony BoB and Pumpkin

169 Visitor Messages

  1. I know. And if we get married, my best man will be DK (name: Daniel) and Levian (Daniel again) will also be a groomsman. The father of the bride will also be Daniel, and the stepsister of the groom will be Danielle. I'm sure we can find a couple more if we have to, but I think that's enough. xD
  2. So your name is Daniel and you are with a Danielle?
    That is so awesomesauce!!!!!
  3. I'll echo 'being tired' and 'work'. Other than that, gaming, hanging out with Danielle, a bit of EoFF of course... it's been a very lazy day for me, I can't say I don't like it that way though. Lazy days are my favourites.
  4. too much. School homework, work, cleaning, trying to stay sane, my boyfriends birthday tomorrow, being tired.
    What are you up to?
  5. Nice. Up to much?
  6. I am okay
  7. I'm alright, yeah. How are you?
  8. HI BoB!!!

    How are you?
  9. I'm not sure why that would not have been allowed when you signed up! I think you should make a thread in the Private Feedback Forum so the technical people on staff can advise if there is any reason that would have been blocked...
  10. When I signed up I went to use the screenname I always use that no-one else does and it said it was already taken so I signed up with this one. Then I tried for the fun of it to sign in with the other one and it said screenname/password was invalid (or something along those lines) so then I tried searching that screenname to see if it's in use and it isn't. It's a word I made up with a specific series of numbers and the odds of someone else using it are very very very very slim, so I was just wondering what's going on with that because I wantg my screenname back.
    It's achila123451.
Showing Visitor Messages 141 to 150 of 169