Conversation Between Pumpkin and Wolf Kanno

1037 Visitor Messages

  1. You should climb those mountains!!
    Or paint them yellow!

    Sorry, I haven't got much sleep lately. All of my posts should come with a disclaimer.
  2. I live up in the Rocky Mountains, but my states weather is weird, just two days ago it was almost 80 degrees F. but yesterday it was like 22 degrees F. Its kind of wild like that but I guess we just have the right environment
  3. Snow day? Where the heck do you live? We dont have snow here in Ontario yet.
  4. Well thank you, you seem pretty nice as well.

    I'm fine, I got snowed in so I have the day off. How is your day?
  5. I like you, you seem nice.
    HI, How are you?
  6. Thank You!
  7. HALLO!
    I like your Jack Skelington avatar
Showing Visitor Messages 1031 to 1037 of 1037