Conversation Between Loony BoB and Christmas

434 Visitor Messages

  1. I told you before, I'm not paying until I recieve my goods.
  2. Doesn't matter, you owe me money, and that's what matters.
  3. Who are you?
  5. Dundun.
  6. Can you sticky this thread?

    And add a "Vote here!" to the title?
  7. Quote Originally Posted by my usernotes
    Sooo... who would I talk to if I wanted to have something added to the forum's filters? I'd like to suggest something along the lines of [ae] being filtered to æ so people don't have to copy+paste it.p
    This member had a problem!
  8. People have been known to, yeah. And there's also the possibility that someone discovers dramatically that they were BABYSWAPPED.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 70 of 434