Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. No, my copy's internal battery is dead, so it can't hold saves anymore.
  2. I think my favorite part is where all the tall grasses are with the rain. But you'll get to that later.\

    If memory serves, you haven't really played the generation 2 games yet, right?
  3. It's got some interesting ideas for sure. I'm near a volcano at the moment.
  4. Well, there you go Hoenn is a cool region. I like how warm and brimming with life it feels.
  5. Yeah, after wandering for a bit, I think I've found my way around again.
  6. Yeah, some games are worse for this than others. Though at least Pokémon RSE has those shortcuts you mentioned - the routes circle around each other so it’s very easy to backtrack and the whole region seems connected (though not as wwll as Johto). You’d be much worse off if this were Diamond/Pearl Platinum. That region is huge and you really need to work at unlocking the few shortcuts that there are. Most of them go through that huge ass mountain in the middle of it all, so you can’t even reliably avoid random battles.
  7. That's pretty hilarious.

    I just started replaying Pokemon Ruby, and man Pokemon and classic MegaTen have one thing in common, they are not the type of games you want to start and then leave for a year before getting back to it. I am totally lost, only have three badges, and I just made a shortcut that leads me back to one of the first areas.
  8. Ooh. Will give it a watch, thanks! And yeah, I agree. I cried almost as much when Silent Hills got canceled as I did at the end when Mary’s full letter was read.
  9. It is scary how much Mary's speech to Harry at the end of SH2 reflects the state of Silent Hill and its fanbase. Watched this amusing video recently.

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