Conversation Between jenovajunkie and Christmas

129 Visitor Messages

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  1. That is a game? How do the plants get there and where do the zombies come from. Obviously humans right? So explain the game, I'm curious to how this is played!
  2. Plants are pretty awesome! I've watched how people play plants vs zombies!
  3. Haha well be happy we can experience more than a plant. Our senses can perceive a lot more than that of a plant.
  4. That's good!! I wish I can let my job go and feed on sunlight like the plants!

    Christmas no like work work.
  5. I did let it go, like a lot of things in life!
  6. Well, just let it go. Smile and stay positive. Or else you will grow old fast with white hair!

    Like sephiroth who you uses as an avatar. :bigsmile;
  7. Thank You Christmas! It's not the same thing we are talking about when I say criticism.
  8. Criticism is a form of feedback! You just have to look at it from another angle! You are a great person!
  9. Thanks Christmas! I really do appreciate your compliment! It's nice to be noticed and I rarely get compliments on my efforts. At least from the people who I would like to. Instead sometimes I will get criticized or what not. I will take your advice for sure and try to post more!
  10. I read Proto's post in the "compliment a member" thread in EoEo and I am here to leave you a compliment!

    I think you are a very learned and mature person. Only thing I don't like about you is that you don't post enough to share your awesomeness with the rest! You are great! Share your greatness!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 129
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