Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Probably because no one outside of Japan except the very hardcore care about SaGa. I started SaGa Frontier 2 not long ago and it's definitely a very different experience. The new entry is in celebration of the series 20th Anniversary I believe. There is suppose to be a new Mana game announced for it's anniversary as well pretty soon.

    Also good luck with that can of worms.
  2. Also, just started XIII-2

    Hoo boy
  3. What's this new SaGa game you mentioned and why do I not know of it?

    And why haven't they released the Romancing SaGa games in English? I also want Saga frontier on PSN and some means to play Unlimited, reviled though it may be.
  4. Damn straight.
  5. I think he is downright the weakest, period. Garland has way more charisma, and that's not even touching the David Bowieness of the Emperor and the moral complexity of Xande.
  6. Yeah... Barty is probably one of the worst villains in the series in terms of being a strong antagonist.
  7. I've heard about it. I also love how screwing destiny is apparently the main theme but they end up doing so by doing exactly what the big bad wants XD "Oh well, gotta kill Orphan I guess."

    But damn, Barthandelus is terrible.
  8. Yeah, the other reason I avoided the sequels. The plot could have been better had it been handled better. The game has some strong themes but just screws them all over in the end. Wait until you see the "wonderful" ending.
  9. I just feel this plot could have been good in better hands. I swear, for the entire first ten chapters every single dialogue in cutscene was the exact same conversation: "We're l'Cie! Enemies of Cocoon."

    I also heard that the decent characters don't get any attention in the sequels. The only ones that get more attention are Snow and Hope and that just makes me cringe. Won't miss Vanille, though.
  10. Yeah, well you have one more chapter to go and the game was enough to make me swear off the trilogy. I have a friend who is trying to get me to play XIII-2 as he felt it fixed his biggest problem with the first game which was the lack of a strong antagonist. Course he has a higher tolerance for repetitive gameplay and stupid plots than I do.
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