Conversation Between Wolf Kanno and Fynn

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, this guy does some interesting videos. I discovered him when I got into Dark Souls. His voice is a bit droning for my taste, but he has an interesting opinion most of the time.
  2. That did actually pop up in my feed! I’ll take a look later, thanks
  3. Exactly. It’s the audience participation that’s the most exciting prospect
  4. Honestly, I feel its the reactions from others concerning a story that's the most fascinating part. Now granted, I can imagine being annoyed if people missed the point of my message in a story, but I'm not sure I would try to throw some word of god in there because I know it's futile. I feel for my own works, I would be more intrigued to figure out if the different takes on the story was subconsciously an effort on my part or a happy surprise I didn't think of.
  5. So I’ve just watched the video you sent me. It was pretty cool. It still amazes me how there are people so bent on authorial intent, the writers themselves included, that they refuse to acknowledge that there might be something in there that they didn’t intend. Just like we convey meaning in everyday life through various unconscious cues, often communicating things we never intended, it’s pretty obvious that this will happen through fiction too.
  6. Interesting video, though as the author mentions, Kojima doesn't really reference EVA as much as some people do, but you can definitely feel it's post-modernist roots in both EVA and MGS2, 4, and V.
  7. So I thought this might be relevant to your interests

  8. Oooh cool! I’ll take a look at it once I’m back from my vacation. Trying to take a break from media for a while too But yeah, thanks!
  9. Found this in my youtube feed and felt you would enjoy it as well.

Showing Visitor Messages 1041 to 1050 of 6688