Conversation Between Fynn and Wolf Kanno

6688 Visitor Messages

  1. Coolio
  2. I'll probably do it soonish.
  3. Woohoo! Great to hear

    Let me know when you're ready to join scrib. That'll motivate me to build up karma and get some more stories up
  4. In other news, I'm taking your advice and doing both story ideas. I'll probably do some fixing up of an older story while writing out a new short story.
  5. Very true
  6. Yeah, it's interesting to think about. Especially in a time with plummeting birth rates and such.
  7. Yeah. It's a very important, very valid today topic and it's nice that people in Japan are looking at it, of all people, considering how big a part of otaku culture, which is trying to seep into the mainstream, that is
  8. They were interesting. GIRL was probably easier to watch since it wasn't as overtly sexual as Me Me Me is. They tackle some interesting themes so I don't regret watching them though.
  9. I haven't seen those directly. I mean, I've only seen the Youtubers react episodes and not the videos themselves, but I definitely appreciate them
  10. Lol, yeah they asked me if I even "internet" or something. I had not seen Me Me Me or daoka GIRL either until that day.
Showing Visitor Messages 4941 to 4950 of 6688